"The pricing alone will keep this out of most people’s hands." Hmm...ya think. Also, what evidence is there anywhere at all that people want to put something like this on their heads for any use case that requires actual productivity?
Not that I can afford it anyway, but will be curious whether anyone gets vertigo or migraines from this. When I very briefly considered getting an Oculus, this was an issue for some people (and almost definitely would be for me too).
Any reports of users experiencing vertigo? Several years ago, I discovered that I can’t watch 3D movies, because they make me nauseous. Since I normally don’t experience vertigo or motion sickness, I didn’t know what was happening to me. I had to leave the theater.
At first I thought you’d hyperlinked Jeff’s name and I was excited to see whether it was for his charity run or the limerick collection
The new Apple Newton looks cool
"The pricing alone will keep this out of most people’s hands." Hmm...ya think. Also, what evidence is there anywhere at all that people want to put something like this on their heads for any use case that requires actual productivity?
Not that I can afford it anyway, but will be curious whether anyone gets vertigo or migraines from this. When I very briefly considered getting an Oculus, this was an issue for some people (and almost definitely would be for me too).
Any reports of users experiencing vertigo? Several years ago, I discovered that I can’t watch 3D movies, because they make me nauseous. Since I normally don’t experience vertigo or motion sickness, I didn’t know what was happening to me. I had to leave the theater.