Apr 20Liked by David Chen

On a positive note: This might be the highest budget live action version of the bestselling video game „Farming Simulator 22“ we‘re ever gonna get!

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Really appreciate you watching and re-capping The Scargiver. Now I don't need to waste 2+ hours of my life.

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Haha hilarious Dave…if you really want to give this movie the “fuck you” it deserves, please let this be the first movie to earn the distinguished closing…”at the end of the day…it’s pretty, no nevermind…”

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Thank you for saving us from watching this mess. I’m sorry you had to.

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Apr 27·edited Apr 27

Yep. And were you to watch it again, you could really fill out that list of irritations. Come on! WATCH IT AGAIN.

Here's one: that uncomfortable attempt to build some sort of relationship between the nameless blond kid and Nemesis which didn't pay off in any way except for his stabby contribution, which he could have been inspired to do even without those unearned moments.

Another: Devra's late rescue "when all seemed lost", arriving just in time with her Devra Squadron, was exactly derivative of Han Solo's "Yahoo!" moment. And like Solo's display of sneaky attack, it was almost too little, too late, and a little dastardly.

Nemesis? I mean, sorta-is? She was built up as this ultimate swordsman (*cough!* and not at ALL an analog of Kyuzo! *cough cough!*) and turned out to be a better exterminator (poor 1st movie spider lady!) than fighter. Sure, sure, those were elite soldiers (I mean, I guess? They were barely set up to special in any way; maybe, sorta referred to by Atticus as some sort of Sardaukar? Who knows), but, I mean...she was NEMESIS. It's in the name!

Jeff Canatta will appreciate these: When did Sam have time to hand sew all of those flags when they had to harvest that wheat? When DID the villagers have time to train in weapon arts OR dig trenches when they had to harvest that wheat? I thought they only had 5 days to do the impossible and harvest. That. WHEAT???

Those flags: Oh, don't think I didn't see you trying to steal another iconic aspect of the 7 Samurai, Zack, you devil! Breaking one stolen idea into several wasn't different enough. Sorry, dude.

Speaking of the 7 Samurai: I counted only 5 "samurai" at the end of the first film. Did anyone else read it that Jimmy the Robot was number #6 and Devra was #7? Kikuchiyo was the late addition in 7 Samurai, so add another "homage" to the list.

Because even tangential scifi is not offlimits: Jimmy the Robot is also a member of the band The Aquabats.

(I really enjoy Decoding TV. Looking forward to more Fallout chat!)

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"Why have I spent over 4 hours of my life watching and thinking about Rebel Moon?"

You only have yourself to blame though ;) I think the podcast would survive with talking about other movies.

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So I take it you weren’t a fan. I did a double last night with this piece of garbage and Late Night With The Devil on Shudder. The latter is by far the better and more interesting film, maybe call an audible for next weeks review.

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